(Authentic Leadership in the public arena)
Are you in the midst of a complex environmental issue, or embroiled in a dispute over such an issue? Whether you’re a…
business professional
- elected representative
- government employee
- community member
- concerned environmental advocate
…managing environmental issues and resolving disputes is tricky business. The intricacy of many moving parts and complexities. Politics, economics, and legal issues. Values and morals under fire; intense passions and tempers. Unknown risks and scientific data. The permanent effects and consequences for our natural environment. Every involved person cares deeply about the outcome, and sometimes it seems like no one will ever really win.
Successfully resolving such disputes requires skill, finesse, compassion, integrity, commitment, and authenticity.
I’m an award-winning facilitator specializing in environmental dispute resolution since 2001. I use Authentic Leadership to transform people, conflicts, and issues on personal, professional, and community levels.
~ My specialities are in strategizing for conflict management and prevention and in shifting hostile relationships into mutually-beneficial partnerships.
~ My goals are to empower high quality decision-making and for the results to succeed for the highest benefit of people and the environment.
~ My background builds trust for different stakeholders because I have deep experience in conservation biology, conflict management, volunteerism, and nonprofit/business leadership and administration. Stakeholders know I “get” them.
Please contact me to consult about your environmental issue. I can help guide you through a process of successfully resolving your disputes (or preventing disputes before they become a problem) so that the needs of the environment, involved parties, legalities, and public good are met.
I am also available to mediate or facilitate directly.
First 30-minute consultation is FREE. $100/hour thereafter. Project rates upon request.